Up a little earlier than usual so that I could get some findings entered before an 8:00 meeting. I was able to get to work by 7:15 because I didn’t have to make my lunch since I was leaving early.
As it turned out, a 10:00 meeting got cancelled and I was able to leave at 10:00. So I went to Michael’s for my artist date.
I always visit the Tim Holtz aisle. In fact, I think I see some things I would like to get.
(I try to do my artist dates on Friday after work. It is a nice transition from the work week into the weekend.) I was looking for flexible modeling paste…The had a spot for it at Michaels…but no flexible modeling paste…so I bought the regular instead. It did the job for the most part. But I still want to try the flexible modeling paste.
After I played with my modeling paste, I started working on the grocery list. I had a post-it note originally, but it became obvious that the post-it was way too small this week. We were out of EVERYTHING! So I started with this list.
Then quickly entered it into my spreadsheet. Yea, I know, I’m an engineer. But there are so many things that we buy every week that I don’t want to have to write down all the time. So they are just always in the spreadsheet so that I don’t forget them
So, when I was able to pull my husband away from the NFL network…
and untangled my dog from the surge protector…
we headed to the grocery store.
As you can see by the time we hit the cereal aisle, the cart was already pretty full…
Then we came home and Bryan and Terrence helped unload groceries.
We started watching Sherlock Holmes, but it took us like 6 hours to finish it because we kept getting interrupted.
The zinnias are blooming like crazy {love}
The morning glories are finally starting to climb.
The dogs are protecting…
And the butterflies are back.
I ended up taking a ton of photos for Friday, so I am splitting this up into 2 posts.