Sunday, August 7, 2011

I heart Camping 2011


On Friday afternoon, my husband and I snuck off to go camping by ourselves. 


It was sunny and beautiful when we were packing up.  And then suddenly about 10 minutes before we got to the campground…it started raining. 


Which is no surprise to those who know that rain follows me wherever I camp. 

We saw this turkey wandering around while we were choosing a campsite.


Luckily, we now pack for rain camping.  And as quickly as the rain began, it disappeared and was clear the rest of the night.


We roasted hot dogs.  And made s’mores.



We talked. 

We played Star Trek Uno.  I barely won.

And then we sat and watched the stars as the campfire burned down to coals.


In the morning we had coffee.


And then went out to our fishing spot.


Where we had our best day fishing ever.

We caught 2 perch and 4 bluegill.  I can’t wait to have enough to eat.


Then we headed back to our site for “Mountain Man Breakfast.”


And packed up for home. 

It was really awesome to have time for just the 2 of us to hang out.  And Daddy got a chance to fish for once Open-mouthed smile.

I’m working on a mini-book of our camping experience and hope to have that done soon.

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

1 comment:

Sarah B said...

Hahahahahaahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! I am never camping with you again!!!!! Lol!!!!!! It looks like you guys had a great time! I will try to post photos of my SD camping trip soon! Love you!!! Miss you!!!!