One of my favorite parts of getting together with family is all of the great stories that emerge as we are visiting. I had trouble deciding which story to start with. So finally I decided to start with the easiest first-the family photo.
Every year we start with all of us trying figure out each other’s cameras-mostly-we always forget how to set Mom’s camera to take 10 photos.
It sucks getting old.
So the rule is that I get at least 3 normal photos before the true faces start coming out.
Bryan decided not to cooperate this time, but I was tired, so I missed it.
Elizabeth was the one that started it this time.
And mostly it is just her making the face in my set of photos.
The rest of us are pretty serious, so we don’t change much.
Well…except that guy in the back that I’m married to.
Yea that’s right…
This one is all mine, ladies
This is just the tip of the iceberg-there are lots more stories to tell.
Happy Tuesday!