Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Journal Your Christmas Manifesto

Christmas Manifesto from Shimelle's JYC class found here

Hello December!
I don't think it is possible for me to be more excited about December than I am right now. I couldn't sleep last night because I was so excited about all of the wonderful inspiration that would be available this morning.  I love this time of year.  I love the snow flurries (and the heavy stuff too :) and was really excited when I looked outside my hotel room this morning and saw that there had been a very light dusting of snow.  I love Tim Holtz's 12 tags, Ali Edwards' December Daily, and all of the flickr groups with all of the beautiful holiday sparkle and glitter in the photographs.  I have always wanted to take Shimelle's JYC class and this year seemed like the right time. I had already created an Art Journal and decided to combine it with "Journal Your Christmas, " although I have not yet posted the photos of it.   
I love Shimelle's Manifesto and only have these thoughts to add:
I will enjoy the month of December and all of the sparkle and glow of the holidays no matter where I am.  If I don't get everything done that I want to get is okay.  I will create something everyday-even if it is only to take a photo.  I will try to include more journaling in both my Art Journal and my December Daily this year.  It is okay to use someone else's ideas-I do not need to reinvent the wheel.  I will work on my photography and learn as many new techniques as I can.  I will breathe and take in all that the holidays have to offer-the beauty, the kindness, the joy, and the gratitude. 

These are all good things to remember -especially when you are stuck out of town and all you really want to do is curl up in your own bed with your puppies and your husband and sleep (or work on your December Daily...)

Happy December everyone!  Let the inspiration begin!

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