Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer Memory #24-12 minute mile


I don’t really talk much about my journey toward losing weight this year.  {Maybe I don’t want to jynx it?} But this is one that I definitely want to remember.  I have been walking since about my 4th week on Weight watchers (I am doing the online thing.)  I started out walking because I needed to boost my weight loss after about the 4th week.  I had been doing yoga a few times a week, but I found that I needed to do a little more (I DO like to eat, afterall :)  While logging my activity points in the online tracker, I found this massive increase in activity points if you reach a 12 min mile.  I often walk on the track at the gym, so I bought a watch that allows me to keep track of my laps and my time per lap.  Now, I walk pretty quickly, but I couldn’t walk anything faster than a 13-min mile.  And I average a 13.5 minute mile.  I simply could not walk any faster than that.  That is when I started thinking about running.  Because let’s face it.  I am an electrical engineer.  I strive to make my job and my life more efficient so that I can get the most done in the least amount of time, while not decreasing the quality.  I love walking.  I can walk 2 points in 40 minutes and it is very therapeutic.  But if I increase my time to a 12 min mile or less, I can work off 4 points in 30 minutes.  So Thursday night, I finally decided to try it.  I walked a lap, ran a lap and did an 11.5 minute mile for the first mile.  I was originally only going to run/walk for 20 minutes.  It was my first time really pushing it, and that gives me the same points as walking 40 minutes.  But I felt really good.  So I did a full 2 miles.  In 24 minutes.  And I am very very happy.  I’m not sure where I want to take this running thing.  Probably no farther than just knowing that “I can do it.”  And using it as a tool to be able to work out for 30 minutes instead of 50-which is very efficient :) 

Happy Weekend!

PS.  I am currently at -18.6 pounds.


Sarah B said...

Hi Chrissy!!! Glad to see you're doing so well!!!! You look amazing! If you're going to keep up the running thing I would look into a running store that fits you with proper running shoes. I gave myself plantar faciitis and my heels have been killing me since before I left for vacation. They are just getting to a point where I can do a 12 hour shift without wanting to cry at the end of it. Come to find out its a common occurance in runners and I over did it a bit too by working for 12 hours then going straight to the gym to run for 45 min all in the same pair of shoes. It totally sucks because I LOVE running and its such a great stress relief for me. I hope after I'm fully healed I can start back up again. Just wanted to let you know to look into a good pair of shoes!! I'm so proud of you though!! I know that amazing feeling you get when you do your first longer run (and I bet you were pretty sore the next day too-but in a good way of course)! I love you and I miss you sooooo much!!! Hoping to see you in August so you can kick my butt at golf! Hugs and kisses, Sarah

Carrie said...

Woo hoo - good for you! You look great!