Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week in the Life-Thursday Part II


Elizabeth before the Symphonic Band Performance and Senior Night.  (Longest Concert ever.)


Aaarrrrgggghhhh….talk like a pirate Thursday?



Sweet girl in front of the lilac bushes. 


Focus Fail.  I knew I should have had it on manual focus, but I wasn’t fast enough…Live and learn…


I loved Ali’s photo of her lilacs,and I had been meaning to cut some purple ones while they were still blooming.  And they smell soooooooo good…


At the gas station.  I pulled up to one of the pumps and grabbed my debit card and jumped out and went to open the tank.  Um…yea…I have been driving the same make of car for 15 years.  And the tank is always accessible from the passenger side. In every year and model.  And for some reason I decided that it was on the driver’s side tonight.  So I jumped back in the car and swung the car to a different pump.  Duh!  So while the tank was finally filling up, we took some photos.  Maybe a little too much nostril…oh well…

I can’t believe that there is only one day remaining to document in this years Week in the Life.  I am really excited to start putting the whole album together this weekend.  Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

She looks so pretty! And lol on longest concert ever. Pretty lilacs, can't wait for ours to start blooming@